
Ilusionista OC – best bullfighting Lusitano Horse in the ‘Consagrados’ class in 2020

Oct . 2021

Son of Latino OC and Ordenança OC, Ilusionista OC stands-out by his brilliant bullfighting career – since young age he has proven to be special, showing a brave character and an incredible talent.

With an outstanding morphology and very faithful traits to the breed's standard, he is an irreprehensible Lusitano model whose beauty makes him shine even brighter in the arena. Gifted with great generosity and tremendous functionality, Ilusionista OC is a born artist on the arenas and he forged a superb career alongside his rider João Ribeiro Telles. Nowadays, Ilusionista OC is acknowledged as one of the best bullfighting horses of our times.  

Awarded with the title of best bullfighting Lusitano Horse in 2019 on the ‘Debutantes’ class, he has now confirmed his quality by conquering the same title in 2020 on the ‘Consagrados’ class. We thank his rider for all his dedication and for developing Ilusionista OC to the best of his potential.